$20 / Person
* Hockey equipment & skates not included
Drop-In Hockey Hours
Sunday-Thursday (Dec 1 – Jan 20):
(No Hockey: 12/22 – 01/02)

- Drop-In Hockey schedule subject to change
- Pond Hockey Rules apply
- Limit 24 Players
1. All players must wear helmets and hockey skates. All other protective equipment is optional but highly recommended.
2. No goalie equipment or goalie sticks permitted.
3. All players to bring a light and dark jersey and will divide up, as equally as possible, into two teams.
4. No checking or body contact of any kind is allowed. Such action may result in a warning or removal from the facility.
5. No slapshots or raising the puck above the waist allowed. Such action may result in removal from the facility.
6. Players shall regulate themselves and play within the rules and standards of normal ice hockey etiquette
7. Contacting the puck with a stick above the waist will result in a loss of possession.
8. Saucer passes (i.e. pucks that are lifted low, below the knee) are acceptable.
9. If a puck goes out of bounds, the last team to touch it loses possession. During restart, the defender must give his opponent 2-stick lengths of space.
10. There are no off-sides or icing calls, and there will be no referees, players are expected to conduct themselves in a respectable nature.
11. Goals can be scored from any area of the rink.
12. Teams must give their opponents 1/2 ice after a goal is scored or an infraction takes place.
13. Each session consists of a 15-minute warm up, followed by a 60-minute “game time.”
14. There is no smoking, drinking or drugs allowed into the facility.
15. The rink is outside near a neighborhood, a school and a library, there will be no tolerance for profanity of any kind. After an initial warning, any player who repeats the offense may be removed from the facility indefinitely.
16. All players must pay and sign the waiver, before entering the ice surface; failure to do so may result in permanent removal from the facility.